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 wz.19 uniform

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Dołączył: 15 Lis 2009
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PostWysłany: Czw 21:27, 24 Gru 2009    Temat postu: wz.19 uniform

Hey Guys
Im looking to buy a wz.19 uniform (Just the tunic).Can anybody help me out or sell me one?The hard part is that I only use the payment form Paypal and Im not fluent in Polish so I cannot contact ant vendors.

Thanks Laughing

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PostWysłany: Czw 21:32, 24 Gru 2009    Temat postu:

3mk -a little more details ? size - wool or linen ? etc

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PostWysłany: Czw 21:36, 24 Gru 2009    Temat postu:

Hey Jay,Any size will be good and these tunics were only made in wool.
Thanks and Happy Wigilia!

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kapral podchorąży
kapral podchorąży

Dołączył: 05 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: Pon 21:11, 28 Gru 2009    Temat postu:

We bought ours in "Hero Collection" company from Poznan in Poland.
This is big company which is famous mostly because of preparing german WW2 uniforms for such productions like "Band of Brothers", "The Pianist"and many more.

[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]

Wz.19 uniforms are also avaiable to buy from "Lancier", but this is small company from around Warsaw.
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]

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Ostatnio zmieniony przez bolas dnia Pon 21:13, 28 Gru 2009, w całości zmieniany 3 razy
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PostWysłany: Pon 22:34, 28 Gru 2009    Temat postu:

Hey Bolas
I heard of both of these companys but for me there are problems.Lancier doesnt speak english and has a big wait time.And Hero Collection its hard to get there attention to order just 1 uniform as they do uniforms for movies and make 60 sets not 1.

Thanks and I hope Im not bothering you

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kapral podchorąży
kapral podchorąży

Dołączył: 05 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: Wto 0:52, 29 Gru 2009    Temat postu:

Indeed, that's just the way it is Smile

There is also a third manufacturer called "Yanik", but they are so small that even have no website yet. Most of their stuff one can buy on (kind of polish ebay). They are making a lot of different stuff, including polish uniforms, caps and so on ... i'm not sure if they done wz.19 uniform already, but it seems to me that they just need photos, drawings and documentation and can do everything. I have no idea if they speak english

Here is a link to their actual listings:
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]

You can always try to contact "Schipper Fabrik" - they are from USA (FL). Their gear is not maybe as good as polish copies (cause they mostly didnt seen original items).
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]

I remember that there are some guys re-enacting 20th Infantry Regiment in US also ...
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]

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Ostatnio zmieniony przez bolas dnia Wto 0:57, 29 Gru 2009, w całości zmieniany 2 razy
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PostWysłany: Wto 1:27, 29 Gru 2009    Temat postu:

Hey Bolas first off I need to tell you that you are a very big help on the forum! Smile
Here is Yaniks website [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] I speak Polish fluently and read it fluently but I cannot spell so good.
Yanik doesnt accept Paypal
Schipperfabrik is to expensive for me Im only 12 yrs old

If anyone here has a extra tunic (Proper from a vendor or even a converted KBW) and accepts paypal Ill be happy to buy it from you

About the reenactment group Im not in the US im in Canada hopefully I can make a reenactment group when Im older.

Thanks Very Happy

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PostWysłany: Wto 18:40, 05 Sty 2010    Temat postu:

I can recommend you Yanik for sure, i used to live in Australia and ordered a uniform from him, from payment date i got it within 2 weeks.
Your going to have a hard time finding ppl that accept paypal in Poland it ain't that popular here....Your best bet is Yanik and sending him a western union money transfer(that's what i did originally from Aus). From my experience fast service and no hassles.

Only problem is i don't think he makes the Wz.19 uniform i ordered a Wz.36 and i was really happy with it.

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PostWysłany: Śro 22:36, 06 Sty 2010    Temat postu:

Really?I think Im going to order from him when I get some more money as at the moment I bought myself a Dredlich uniform for $75 and wasted the rest on militaria (Im only a kid).
But that beats Lanciers wait time for sure!

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