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 Tent Question

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Dołączył: 10 Sie 2009
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Skąd: Sandusky,Ohio USA

PostWysłany: Pon 4:31, 08 Lut 2010    Temat postu: Tent Question

I have tent questions regarding this tent [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] Is this a full size tent -as the opening looks like you will have to craw in it Question and the tent looks a lot like the British " Bell Tent" is it British surplus or Polish Question

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kapral podchorąży
kapral podchorąży

Dołączył: 05 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: Pon 10:12, 08 Lut 2010    Temat postu:

I have no idea what is this ... for sure it is not the pre-war polish pattern.

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Ostatnio zmieniony przez bolas dnia Pon 10:12, 08 Lut 2010, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
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PostWysłany: Wto 5:33, 09 Lut 2010    Temat postu:

Other reenactment groups are not the best thing to get reference from
they cant always use historicly accurate stuff and sometimes need to use things that people call farb.

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Ostatnio zmieniony przez 3mk dnia Wto 15:33, 09 Lut 2010, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
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PostWysłany: Wto 6:35, 09 Lut 2010    Temat postu:

Other reenactment groups are not the best thing to get reference from some are what you would call farb...
Sorry,I do not understand -your statement at all - we come here -(a reenactment group) Looking and asking Questions I do not think -thy are FARBs -just need information on that tent. Please refrain from calling people BAD names.

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Dołączył: 15 Lis 2009
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PostWysłany: Wto 15:37, 09 Lut 2010    Temat postu:

I did not call them farb at all,Every reenactment group has something thats not historicly accurate,To find information about tents used by the Polish army I suggest to buy a reference book and try looking there and not at other reenactment groups,Just because they are a reenactment group doesnt mean they have everything right.And farb is not a bad word at all and I didnt even call them that....

I wont post on this topic again as theres no point in starting a arguement

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Ostatnio zmieniony przez 3mk dnia Wto 15:39, 09 Lut 2010, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
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PostWysłany: Wto 20:04, 09 Lut 2010    Temat postu:

Well, I sent an email to the group asking for information on the Tent Wink btw Farb or Farbs is a word ued here in the west as a put down - used insted of : what a buch of retairds Rolling Eyes

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Dołączył: 15 Lis 2009
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PostWysłany: Wto 20:21, 09 Lut 2010    Temat postu:

Really?????I always thought it was a term used by reenactors for something thats not historyicly accurate,Sorry about the misunderstanding

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Dołączył: 10 Sie 2009
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Skąd: Sandusky,Ohio USA

PostWysłany: Śro 12:30, 10 Lut 2010    Temat postu:

To find information about tents used by the Polish army I suggest to buy a reference book and try looking there and not at other reenactment groups,Just because they are a reenactment group doesnt mean they have everything right.And farb is not a bad word at all and I didnt even call them that....

I wont post on this topic again as theres no point in starting a arguement
Sorry to say Embarassed - By your suggestions - I am not to Post here Question Asking for information-but buy a Book Question By my understanding this group is # 1 in Poland Exclamation -So you say: for NO one to Post here - But instead to buy a Book Question Buy your suggestions - You are way off base and out of line - Evil or Very Mad

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kapral podchorąży
kapral podchorąży

Dołączył: 05 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: Śro 12:52, 10 Lut 2010    Temat postu:

I propose to focus on the topic of discussion, without the unnecessary threads. You're asking about tents. Pre war polish soldiers to built tents were using their personal "zeltbahns" (sorry dont know the proper name).

Bigger ones were built mostly for regimental use. I think there were various types.

[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]

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Ostatnio zmieniony przez bolas dnia Śro 12:55, 10 Lut 2010, w całości zmieniany 2 razy
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PostWysłany: Śro 14:35, 10 Lut 2010    Temat postu:

Thank you for posting that Bolas,This would be a great idea to do at the reenactment!

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Dołączył: 10 Sie 2009
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Skąd: Sandusky,Ohio USA

PostWysłany: Śro 20:38, 10 Lut 2010    Temat postu:

Well, this Quest for Information-is way of trend -- the query for information on the small tent. As the information on hand, at this time. Looks to be WW1 surplus? Information on the Zelt- the information has Ben posted priestly on the forum. The supplier here in the USA. [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] the Polish Zelt is the same as the Austrian Zelt at $149.95 ea. The cost of the Zelts to make the Tent - you can do the math! unless you make your own - not hard to do - Very Time Consuming as to make all the button holes and sew on all the buttons .A Real Labor of Love Wink

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kapral podchorąży
kapral podchorąży

Dołączył: 05 Sie 2005
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Pomógł: 27 razy
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Skąd: II Rzeczpospolita

PostWysłany: Czw 0:50, 11 Lut 2010    Temat postu:

Polish "zeltbahn" is similar to austo-hungarian WW1 model. Both patterns were in use, polish was developed in 1931. A copy offered by the Schipper is not really a lucky one, i would say that is closer to a "farb" then to replica.

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Dołączył: 10 Sie 2009
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Skąd: Sandusky,Ohio USA

PostWysłany: Czw 1:31, 11 Lut 2010    Temat postu:

That is the reason, I come to the forum to ask questions -Here in the west, we do not have the information, to tell the good from the bad, only the information given by the seller to sale at high Price Exclamation as all ways thanks for the help

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kapral podchorąży
kapral podchorąży

Dołączył: 05 Sie 2005
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Pomógł: 27 razy
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Skąd: II Rzeczpospolita

PostWysłany: Czw 10:24, 11 Lut 2010    Temat postu:

Well i have nothing against Schipper - i use also P08 holster and M.1912 US Tunic and they are both looking to be a very good quality copies (i got original items to compare). But all "polish" section products of this Schipper is low quality. I have the impression that these products have been developed only on the basis of low quality photos from Internet without contact with original items. They look a bit similar, but when one look closer it appears that the copy is poor.

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