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 New to fourm -I am in Quest

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Dołączył: 10 Sie 2009
Posty: 87
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Skąd: Sandusky,Ohio USA

PostWysłany: Pon 12:18, 10 Sie 2009    Temat postu: New to fourm -I am in Quest

Hello, Jay from the USA - new to the forum. I am in Quest for information , As a person that likes to try to make there own uniform and gear looking for patterns and How-To's and all so recipes for rations like the ration cracker and labels . I in joy Living History and very much in joy to do the Polish 1939 impression. regards Jay

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kapral podchorąży
kapral podchorąży

Dołączył: 05 Sie 2005
Posty: 13057
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Pomógł: 27 razy
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Skąd: II Rzeczpospolita

PostWysłany: Pon 13:27, 10 Sie 2009    Temat postu:

Hello Jay,
It's really nice to meet our first international guest here Wink Welcome !
We really would like to help you, but as you probably know the whole topic is huuuuuge, so i suggest to divide your questions into separate topics on this forum. It would be much easier to find, read and reply.

All the best Wink

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Dołączył: 10 Sie 2009
Posty: 87
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Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Skąd: Sandusky,Ohio USA

PostWysłany: Pon 18:09, 10 Sie 2009    Temat postu:

Bolek, Thank You. For the welcome.Sorry I have so meany questions. To start - Field Rations - as for the common soldiers in the field - HOW TO's make , package and labels I also love getting those little bits that every soldier carried around with him - it makes me feel like I am getting closer to how they actually lived!
regards, Jay

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kapral podchorąży
kapral podchorąży

Dołączył: 05 Sie 2005
Posty: 13057
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Pomógł: 27 razy
Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Skąd: II Rzeczpospolita

PostWysłany: Pon 23:19, 10 Sie 2009    Temat postu:

To be honest this thing is not quite clear to us in the moment. I mean we found regulations and do know what exactly infantry soldiers carried, but the real appearance of the food rations are more or less mysterious. In a few days i'll try to explain it in a bit more detailed way.

Here are few pics of stuff we are using right now. Modern cans without modern labels looks quite good.

Most of food soldiers carried in special bags inside a breadbag or a backpack. Here is a sample of some of them, modern copies of course:

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Ostatnio zmieniony przez bolas dnia Pon 23:22, 10 Sie 2009, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
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Dołączył: 10 Sie 2009
Posty: 87
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Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Skąd: Sandusky,Ohio USA

PostWysłany: Pon 23:57, 10 Sie 2009    Temat postu:

Yes, can you send information to make copy's ?

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kapral podchorąży
kapral podchorąży

Dołączył: 05 Sie 2005
Posty: 13057
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Pomógł: 27 razy
Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Skąd: II Rzeczpospolita

PostWysłany: Wto 0:18, 11 Sie 2009    Temat postu:

Sure thing, but please give me few days of time. Right now i am little busy so it could be difficult to measure all of this stuff Smile

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Dołączył: 10 Sie 2009
Posty: 87
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Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Skąd: Sandusky,Ohio USA

PostWysłany: Wto 0:22, 11 Sie 2009    Temat postu:

Ok -Thanks for the Help Very Happy

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