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 Is this tunic ok for the 1939 impression?

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Dołączył: 15 Lis 2009
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PostWysłany: Pią 23:51, 22 Sty 2010    Temat postu: Is this tunic ok for the 1939 impression?

I bought this tunic off and Im wondering if its good for the 1939 impression,also any tips on how to clean the tunic?
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]

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Dołączył: 10 Sie 2009
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Skąd: Sandusky,Ohio USA

PostWysłany: Pią 14:59, 05 Lut 2010    Temat postu:

Think -need to -replace the buttons and add buttons and sholder straps - a lot of work needs to go into it - but only good for taticals or loner box Rolling Eyes

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kapral podchorąży
kapral podchorąży

Dołączył: 05 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: Pią 16:09, 05 Lut 2010    Temat postu:

Im sorry to say that but it's not good enough for 2010 standarts. Main problem is the fabric - it should be made of linen/flax not cotton. All the buttons are bad, few are missing. Shoulder straps are missing too. Cleaning ? In normal way, mashine wash ... nothing special.

Cotton denim (summer) tunics were acceptable few years ago only because there was no way to order proper fabric. When it was possible nobody uses cotton denim now. Of course one can notice old tunic on the events, but the mainstream leads to replace them. Same story we had in our association - first summer uniforms were sewed from cotton fabric, but in 2009 we had bought linen fabric and old uniforms were replaced with proper ones.

Our old uniforms made of cotton denim (2006):

New uniforms / proper fabric (2009):

Original tunic:

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Ostatnio zmieniony przez bolas dnia Pią 16:25, 05 Lut 2010, w całości zmieniany 3 razy
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Dołączył: 10 Sie 2009
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Skąd: Sandusky,Ohio USA

PostWysłany: Pią 22:03, 05 Lut 2010    Temat postu:

IM sorry to say, that here in the West, There is not the information as to what is acceptable and what is not. The one seller, (airman) Sales the wrong one for over $250.00 usd and color and fabric WRONG! And he knows it. When I question, Him about it, He said it was" Wrong" Him Self and I got ' Banned ' from that forum for Asking Him

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Ostatnio zmieniony przez jay1939 dnia Sob 3:21, 06 Lut 2010, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
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Dołączył: 15 Lis 2009
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PostWysłany: Pią 22:40, 05 Lut 2010    Temat postu:

Thank you for the information guys! Very Happy
I think I wont buy this tunic and buy a wool one from Hero which Ive been offered for at a good price.Again thank-you Jay and Bolas for the information,Here in North America theres not much information,I never knew that that color of drelich was wrong.

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kapral podchorąży
kapral podchorąży

Dołączył: 05 Sie 2005
Posty: 13057
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Pomógł: 27 razy
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Skąd: II Rzeczpospolita

PostWysłany: Sob 1:57, 06 Lut 2010    Temat postu:

Speaking about reenactment in Poland you have to notice fact that whole movement (i mean all eras) is not older than 15-20 years. Era for reenacting polish army 1918-39 started in 2003/04 ... that was the true begining of all-around-Poland movement. People started to grouping in associations, first events tooked place and so on ... so then we had nothing. Nobody knew how original items looked like. With time and gaining new contacts people got wiser and smarter, so also the quality of replicas develeoped. But there were still mostly made at home with home metods. Situation was also hard cause as you shoul remember Poland was defeated in 1939, and then till 1945 under german occuppation. All pre-war military symbols, relics and so on were strictly prohibited and almost lethal if one get catched. So a lots of them were destroyed during the war. After 1945 we were once again under occupation, this time a bit longer - about 50 years by the Soviets. Same situation - they banned everything connected to pre-war Poland which of course was not like communist Russia. So it was really difficult for original items to survive to our times ... they are extremly rare, and till the begining of 2000 most of them were usualy kept in secret. Since few years whole movement is very popular, a lots of people remind themselves fate of their forefathers and roots. So basicly it was easier for us (whole Poland) to get closer to the sources - manuals, items ... all those slowly were coming back to the normal day light from the world of secrets. After few steps in 2010 we finnaly can fully reconstruct silqhuettes of pre-war polish army. All replicas are available, almost everything you need you can buy. It was totaly impossible few years ago - thats why people were using "KWB" or this type curious solutions in "better have something then nothing" way Wink

It could sound funny for You guys, probably accustomed to the shops offering everything reenactor needs. But here we are still on the first steps of the ladder, we still seeks for a lots of answers ... Smile

In example way to getting proper linen tunics took us around 2 years. First we were seeking for the fabric for sale, but it was unsuccesful. Then we were trying to find a factory to order a newly produced proper fabric. Then we had to wait and collect offerers to order at least 300-400 meters of fabric (smallest amout factory can produce). After waiting 2-3 months we had the fabric, and started to seeking for tailors. And so on and on ... its dramatic way if You compare it to login on ebay and buying stuff in 5 minutes Wink

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Ostatnio zmieniony przez bolas dnia Sob 2:08, 06 Lut 2010, w całości zmieniany 3 razy
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Dołączył: 10 Sie 2009
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Skąd: Sandusky,Ohio USA

PostWysłany: Sob 7:47, 06 Lut 2010    Temat postu:

we still seeks for a lots of answers ...
Bolas , I fill your Pain -as we say here in the west -sorry to say no answers comming from the west ,as you can see by my posts. ask questions and get banned in the west - so I made our own little forum and yhoo group -
But here we are still on the first steps of the ladder,
we are the same here Wink I wish to thank all that have helped .and little bit by little bit we move for ward Wink more people here are looking into Polish History .Just thakes a little time.

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