Forum Strzelcy Kaniowscy - Forum Strona Główna

 hi, nice to meet You ;)

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kapral podchorąży
kapral podchorąży

Dołączył: 05 Sie 2005
Posty: 13057
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Pomógł: 27 razy
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Skąd: II Rzeczpospolita

PostWysłany: Wto 21:40, 06 Gru 2005    Temat postu: hi, nice to meet You ;)

Hello, nice to meet You Smile

This part of our forum is dedicated to all our visitors from other countries. Here you can place your post, questions, photos and all other. If you will have any trouble with polish links and buttons please contact me on [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] - i'll try to help.

Few words for start:

This forum is a part of our website - have you seen it ? if not try to ... [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. English languaged version will be launched very soon.

Forum is divided in two parts:

- "Koszary Kaniowskie" - availble for anyone, you dont need to register to post your posts,
- "Garnizon Kaniowski" - strictly for recruits & members of our group. Only them can read it and write there.

"Koszary Kaniowskie" section have four parts - first three of them are polish languaged, the fourth is yours. You dont need to register to post you own topic.

How to post a topic ? (basic)

First you have to click a large button "DODAJ TEMAT" (means: ADD NEW TOPIC). When you click it, you'll be transfered to section where can you write your post:

There you have a form with parts:
- "temat" -> topic of your post,
- "tresc wiadomosci" - your message,

when you're done with writing and you would like to add this new topic please click button "WYSLIJ" (send). If you like to check your message before posting you may click "PODGLAD" button (preview).

How to add a photo to post ?

Simple thing. Firstible you need some space where you can put your photo - i can advice to use for example this service - [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] - when you place your photo there you have to copy of URL linking directly to this image. When you got it during writing your new message just click gray IMG button, paste this link to image and click IMG button second time. If the photo you want to add is already in INternet You need just to copy its URL and paste it beetwen IMG marks.

Thats all. If you've made all correctly the photo should be visilbe after posting your topic.

For example i will paste here our logo which normally is on the upper left part of screen.

1. I need to know its URL. So i click this logo with the right mouse button, choose properities, and finnaly copy this url. In this moment url is: [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]

2. I want to add a photo here so i click IMG button for first time, paste my URL and click IMG second time ... it suposed to look that way:

(without spaces) [ i m g ] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [ / i m g ]

if everytinhg is OK below should be photo:

How to reply?

If you are in some topic and want to reply just click "ODPOWIEDZ" button (reply).


If you ever need any simple translations between polish/english take a look on those links:

[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]

that's all for now, i think ...

best regards and enjoy Wink

Bolek Rosinski
founder of "Strzelcy Kaniowscy" Reenactment Group

Post został pochwalony 0 razy

Ostatnio zmieniony przez bolas dnia Pon 23:25, 10 Sie 2009, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
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Dołączył: 21 Sty 2006
Posty: 200
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Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Skąd: Bielsko-Biala, jam Podhalan

PostWysłany: Śro 18:43, 06 Gru 2006    Temat postu:

Come on guys don't be shy, a few of us speak good english and will be more then happy to help with your questions about the Polish army 1919-39. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

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Dołączył: 07 Sty 2019
Posty: 4
Przeczytał: 0 tematów

Ostrzeżeń: 0/5

PostWysłany: Pon 22:24, 07 Sty 2019    Temat postu:

Hi, I have asked a question on 30 Pulk SK page about stefan marciniak. I asked in Polish but my first language is english. Any help would be appreciated. thanks

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